** body, mind, spirit, healing, music, intuitive, artisan, ceramics, beads, mandalas, writing, design, love, peace, serenity, calm, happiness, joy, reiki, quantum touch, DNA ThetaHealing, chakra, balancing **
** Beautiful White Lotus Flower, from sxc.hu, cjn, photo 578475 **
** Lisa the Lightworker: Promoting Healing of the Body, Mind & Spirit **
About Lisa
Lisa has been involved in Chicago's diverse music scene over the years. She first began playing piano at age 7 and music is a big part of her essence. She also plays guitar and sings and has taken her love of music writing to another level and is currently working on more meditative music. Watch for updates!

She is a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader, DNA ThetaHealing practitioner, a Reiki Master, and is trained in the use of Quantum Touch and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). She is also learning about and incorporating Donna Eden's Energy Medicine techniques. She also frequently employs pendulums, crystals and/or essential oils in her sessions with a client. She has a BA in Communications and post-graduate work in Interpersonal and Family Communication.

After a Reiki and Quantum Touch session, she experienced a level of calmness that had eluded her for a long time. She was subsequently drawn to learn how to pass the experience on to others. She is a Natural Intuitive and accepted her role as an Energy Worker in 2008. Her background at the university drew her to the therapy stylings of DNA ThetaHealing sessions.

** Lisa the Lightworker ** Her motto is that there are many modalities that can help a person heal physically, mentally and spiritually. It is vital to our existence to find healthy ways to achieve a sense of purpose, well-being and balance.

Lisa offers both local and long-distance sessions as well as pieces that can help you feel a sense of comfort and balance in your home or other space. With her love for anything creative and nature-centered, Lisa's been creating ceramic pieces and beaded objects. She also creates mandalas and has pieces available for purchase.

Her educational background also makes her a great candidate for your content and design needs. Contact her for further information about any of the above!

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